Delux3 Exchange art
De.lux3 Art

Event Horizon

My first piece on Solana. Event Horizon celebrates my love of street art and the authentic expression that comes with the complete freedom to paint whatever you want, wherever you want. There are no rules.

Primary Sale: ◎ 7

Secondary Sale: N/A

De.lux3 Art

Uncomfortably Numb

Depression and anxiety suck. I went through a difficult depression during this period of my life. It was a culmination of losing friends and family members during a global pandemic. Creating art was cathartic, although I don’t consciously recall painting Uncomfortably Numb. Looking at it now reminds me of how dark a hole I was in at that point.

Primary Sale: ◎ 7.33

Secondary Sale: N/A

De.lux3 Art

Obtuse Juice

Continuing to delve deeper into what “digital art” can or should be I set out with an intention to eschew all the perfection a digtial painting environment can provide. From the ever present clean, straight edges to the inherent “grid” I didn’t want any of it. As if giving the computer the middle finger Obtuse Juice refuses to accept the digital canvas as is.

Primary Sale: ◎ 6.66

Secondary Sale: N/A

De.lux3 Art

Lilac Rain

“Lilac rain, unbroken chain
Song of the saw-whet owl
Out on the mountain, it’ll drive you insane
Listening to the winds howl…”

Unbroken Chain was a song written by the Grateful Dead released in 1974 on the album, Mars Hotel. The band never played the song live until 1995, a few months before Jerry Garcia died. There was a cult-like aura around Unbroken Chain. The song is an ethereal story, and one of the most complex pieces of music the band ever created.

Unbroken Chain was the inspiration for this piece. The combination of deep purple juxtaposed with mountain meadow greens and green-blue skies represent some of my favorite memories following the band as a kid. There’s also a bit of acid-inspired neon in there for good measure.

The idea came to me when I was thinking about blockchain technology and how art fits into it. The song was playing in the background and by happy accident I connected the “chains” in my head creating this abstract metaphor.

Primary Sale: ◎ 10.5

Secondary Sale: N/A

De.lux3 Art

Push and Pull

Dark and Light.
Thick and Thin.
Sharp and Dull.

Visual drama is created when two offsetting concepts are pushed in opposite directions. Push and Pull represents tension between elements. What those elements are is up to the viewer. Maybe it’s something personal, maybe not.

This piece intentionally takes your eye from left to right starting off with a smaller vibe, but gradually gets larger.

Primary Sale: ◎ 12

Secondary Sale: N/A

De.lux3 Art

Visual Cacophony

The unsettled mind can be a powerful thing. At this moment my consiousness was a chaotic mixture of colors, shapes and sounds. Like an orchestra warming up before a performance there’s so much going on at once that seems incongruent, yet it comes together nicely to create something pleasant.

Primary Sale: ◎ 15

Secondary Sale: N/A

crypto art
De.lux3 Art

Altitude Adjustment

More of a classic non-crypto expression of abstraction. Altitude Adjustment was inspired by the peaceful easy feeling I would get when I would climb up into the treehouse I built in our backyard tree. During the summer months leaves filled in around the treehouse so it wasn’t visible from the street. It felt private. It felt cozy. It was a space to just be.

Primary Sale: ◎ 10

Secondary Sale: N/A

Digital Art Abstract


Whereas Altitude Adjustment was a piece about feeling safe and secure in my private space, Cashmere is unbridled, pedal to the metal expression of abstraction that’s dark and brooding. Someone like wearing a black leather jacket, this is about confidence with a middle finger to the rules of society.

Primary Sale: ◎ 18

Secondary Sale: N/A

De.lux3 Art


On a recent trip to Victoria, BC I stumbled across a shipyard that had old oversized buoys laying around. The weathered look and decay has its own natural beauty.

I created Submarine to capture the feel of the textures in the shipyard as if this was cut out of one of the buoys.

Primary Sale: ◎ 15

Secondary Sale: N/A

De.lux3 Art


There’s something perfect and beautiful about objects decaying over time that serves as a metaphor for life. Passing years and pressure gradually take their toll breaking down the physical surface of everyday items.

On a recent trip to Victoria BC I stumbled upon a naval yard that had enormous buoys laying in storage. The passage of time had left its mark on the objects leaving a colorful texture that felt somewhat like this piece.

It inspired an uninterrupted creative session that led to the creation of Aquamarine. The piece is meant to look like it could have been cut right out of the side of one of the buoys. It a single piece of art reflecting years gone by.

Primary Sale: ◎ 12

Secondary Sale: N/A

pixel art
digital art

Hiro + YT

Snow Crash is one of my all time favorite books. The two main characters in the book are Hiro and YT (Yours Truly). The unlikely pair of protagonists navigate the future landscape of post global economic collapse Los Angeles. These two are unique individuals, yet compliment each other nicely.

Primary Sale – Hiro: ◎ 5.5

Secondary Sale: N/A

Primary Sale – YT: ◎ 5

Secondary Sale: N/A

De.lux3 Art

Deconstructed Smart Contract

What would the future of blockchain be without the proverbial “smart contract”? When I imagine what it might look like visually it leads me down a path picturing a non-linear, uneven expression of 1’s and 0’s.

Primary Sale: ◎ 15

Secondary Sale: N/A

Snow Crash art

Proof of Fate

Blockchain features Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS) among other features. Blockchain will likely become the back bone of online commerce. Proof of Fate (PoF) encapsulates where technology is now and where it’ll exist in the future.

Primary Sale: ◎ 15

Secondary Sale: N/A

De.lux3 Art

Command Line

In an ode to cathode ray technology Command Line was the name of the original essay that led to the creation of Snow Crash. Imagine taking that little blinking green cursor and unpacking it. What does it have to say? It just sits there inconspicuous asking the human to engage. How entitled!

Primary Sale: ◎ 20

Secondary Sale: N/A

pixelated art

Perpetual Consolidation

In the most minimal expression of the entire series, Perpetual Consolidation is an infinte loop.


Currently Available

Kernel Panic
Experimental Digital Art

Kernel Panic Cyan

4,000 x 10,000

Primary Sale: ◎ 50

Secondary Sale: N/A

De.lux3 Art

Kernel Panic Yellow

4,000 x 10,000

Primary Sale: ◎ 50

Secondary Sale: N/A

digital art

Kernel Panic Magenta

4,000 x 10,000

Primary Sale: ◎ 50

Secondary Sale: N/A

Delux3 Exchange art

Kernel Panic Black

4,000 x 10,000

Currently Available